Special Education Department
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School provides a variety of supports for students with special needs. Students are included and welcomed with dignity and respect into our Catholic school community. Most students are served with accommodations within the regular classroom; however, a range of services are provided to meet individual student needs.
The Special Education Department believes that every student is an individual with unique strengths and needs. The specific needs of identified students can be met appropriately in the regular classroom by the teacher working either independently or in conjunction with resource support staff.
The mandate of the Special Education Department is to offer specialized programs to meet students' needs through flexible, changeable, multi-faceted instruction in a variety of settings. The Department offers diagnostic assessment, remedial activities, learning strategies and resource services to individual students. Our model of integration promotes equality of opportunity and experience, allowing all students to develop to their full potential. View a sample of our Special Education Courses.
Holy Trinity is home to over 150 students with Individual Education Plans. We also have a growing number of students for whom English is not their first language. These two groups of students have access to the Resource Department for a variety of important services.
The Resource Department is located on the first floor of the building at the west end. Rooms 119 and 121 are the CASA 1 and CASA 2 classes. Room 124 is where our "K" level courses are taught, such as Life Skills, Literacy Development and Communication, Numeracy and Personal Life Skills. Our kitchen is used for Life Skills classes and serves as an informal lunchroom for students who prefer a smaller setting to the school cafeteria. Room 117 is our Resource Room. Students may access this classroom as a quiet space to complete class work, an area to receive extra time and accommodations while writing tests, or to access our bank of computers which are all equipped with Google applications, including Google Read and Write.
You can visit Special Education Services on the Board website for additional information or contact the School Board.