Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School is committed to providing a safe environment on all school buses and school transportation vehicles. Select topics below to learn more about buses and motorized vehicles on school property.
Weather Related Delays and Alerts
STSCO Delay and Cancellation Information
Bus Schedules
Buses begin arriving at Holy Trinity at 8:15 a.m. each day.
Buses begin leaving Holy Trinity at 2:20 p.m. each day.
Late Bus - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday at 4:15
Eligible Distances for Transportation
Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO) oversees transportation for students within our Board.
STSCO's office location is:
885 Clonsilla Ave, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 5Y2
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tel: 705-748-5500
Toll free: 1-800-757-0307
Fax: 705-748-5323
If you need to contact STSCO directly, please call at the following phone extensions for your area:
Special Needs Transportation - All Areas - extension 252
Clarington and Northumberland County(excluding the Campbellford Area) - extension 231 and extension 232
Also, you may contact us via email at
Students in grades 9 to 12 are provided transportation if their primary residence is more than 3.2 kilometers from Holy Trinity by direct route, a publicly maintained road or walkway.
Bus stop locations are no more than 1.6 kilometers away from a student's primary residence.
For students that are ineligible for transportation, parents/guardians are responsible for bringing students to and from school, and dropping them off at bus stops prior to pick-up and drop-off (if required).
Rules of Conduct on School Buses
Riding on a school bus is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct on all school buses and school transport vehicles. These rules apply whether students are travelling to school, to a school-related event, or on a field trip. The rules of conduct are set standards of behaviour that ensure the safety of all students, and are the basis for the Student Behaviour Report Form used for inappropriate conduct. A student guilty of misconduct may lose his/her privilege of riding the bus. Restoration of the privilege is at the discretion of the principal after consultation with the student, his/her parent or guardian and where necessary, the school superintendent.
Video Camera & Digital Video Recording Devices on Buses School buses are equipped with video cameras and digital video recording devices to assist bus drivers and staff with dealing with misconduct on buses. Appeal of Suspension or Recommendation for Expulsion hearings may use video footage obtained on buses. You can read the Boards Student Transportation Policy (Policy 1300) for additional details.
Cars & Motorized Vehicles on School Property
To help ensure the safety of students and maximize parking spaces, students who drive to school must follow these rules:
Obey all Highway Traffic Act regulations.
Vehicles are off-limits except upon arrival and departure from school.
Speed limit is strictly enforced.
Obey all traffic signs and directives.
Drive responsibly. i.e. no reckless driving, no tire squealing, no passing on the right
Cars parked illegally or in unauthorized areas may be ticketed or towed. Repeated disregard for these rules will lead to cancellation of the privilege of bringing a motorized vehicle to school and could result in police involvement.
Helpful Transportation Links
Ministry of Transportation School Bus Safety Smarts
PVNC Catholic District School Board's Transportation Guidelines