
Regular attendance on the part of students is vital to the process of learning. If regular attendance becomes an issue, parents/guardians will be contacted, and the student will be counselled to assist with promoting regular attendance. If he/she is still unwilling to attend regularly, he/she may fail to achieve credit for his/her courses.

Regular Attendance

Expected Behaviour

Reasons for Expected Behaviour

Consequences for Misbehaviour

Signing In and Out

Expected Behaviour

Reasons for Expected Behaviour

Consequences for Misbehaviour

Extended Vacations/Absences

Family holidays should not be scheduled during regular school time since student's absences may have adverse effects on his/her achievement. Students are responsible for any work missed while absent. In cases of family emergencies on compassionate grounds, every effort will be made to support the student during this time.

Late to School

Expected Behaviour

Reasons for Expected Behaviour

Consequence for Misbehaviour


Truancy is an unexcused absence from class.

Expected Behaviour

Reasons for Expected Behaviour

Consequences for Misbehaviour